Ivomec injectible for cats?

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A few months ago, my vet who was a farmer said you could give cats ivomec injectible (for cows) to cats and it would control not only worms but ear mites. Has anyone heard of this? If you have, what would the dosage be?

-- Michelle Shirley (mshirley@dreamscape.co,), January 12, 2002


Don't do it!!! Seems to cause some kind of brain damage. Don't ask me how I know......

-- Tana McCarter (mcfarm@totelcsi.net), January 12, 2002.

Wow...that is so scary. I do use it for my rabbits at .15cc per 5 lb. of body weight. I never thought about it for cats. Goodnight!! Brain damage..my cats are strange enough as it is!!!!

-- Jenny (auntjenny6@aol.com), January 12, 2002.

Cats are different for a lot of things..... can't remember right now it it is aspirin or tylenol that is deadly to them.... Seems like it is tylenol but don't hold me to it.

-- Tana mcCarter (mcfarm@totelcsi.net), January 12, 2002.

NO NO NO!!!!!!!! I did this once. The cat had the wobbles afterwards. Very sad.

-- Rose (open_rose@hotmail.com), January 13, 2002.

You can give it to cat as an oral medication. Be VERY careful about dosages. I have written down to give .1cc that is (point one)or less for cats.It is not a body weight thing and DO NOT give it to anything under 1 year. You can give it to dogs for heart worm, also orally at about .1cc per 10lbs. Do not give it to anything with Collie breeding in it, it will kill them. If you give it to a cat just be very careful.

-- Susan northern MN (nanaboo@paulbunyan.net), January 13, 2002.

Not worth the danger, why not stick with liquid Strongid for most all worms and Drontic for the tapeworms, a decent small animal vet will sell you these over the counter cheaply.

-- Annie Miller in SE OH (annie@1st.net), January 13, 2002.

Yes! I just took a couple of my several cats to the vet on Thurs. and was given ivomec injectible to be given to all the cats for ear mites and worms. It is .1 cc for all cats and older kittens. It will NOT control tape worms though. For ear mites it needs to be repeated in 2 weeks. I do not know if the injectible I was given is the same as for cows. So far I have had no reactions from the cats. Good luck.

-- Linda Robinson (jrranimal@netzero.com), January 13, 2002.

A previous thread had the memory jogger for cats Aspirin Alright, Tylenol Toxic.

-- Don Armstrong (darmst@yahoo.com.au), January 13, 2002.

someone in this thread mentioned that you can give ivomec to dogs too. my understanding (our vet told me so and i read it on the net so it *must* be true) is that cattle/swine ivomec (ivermectin) can be given to most dogs, but NEVER to herding/shepherd type dogs. something about those breeds makes them intolerant to it and it's like giving them poison. we used ivomec for 10 weeks (oral .7 cc) to cure a dog we're fostering of demodex mange. it worked great and keno is now 100% fur covered; a big change from 3 months ago when we first got her. anyone near north georgia want a sweet basenji/shar-pei mix? we'd keep her but she's a real cat chaser and we like our kitty's to live w/out fear of keno the great hunter.

-- james (james@wireboard.com), January 14, 2002.

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