Slide caddy / cropper for Vivitar Instant Slide Printer : LUSENET : polaroid transfers : One Thread

I just today found a terrific deal on a vivitar instant slide printer. The only catch is that it is missing a couple of parts. I have had a vivitar printer before, and I remember that there is a metal slide tray or cropping mask that must be placed correctly into the front of the printer in order for the strobe to flash and the shutter to open (basically for it to work). This part is missing on the unit that I bought. Also of less importance, the translucent white cover is missing over the bulb on the front. Is there any source shere these parts can still be found. I have contacted vivitar in the past for a manual, but they simply wrote back that the printer was discontinued and no manuals were to be had. Are they more helpful about parts?

-- Cory Noble (, January 13, 2002


Thanks to everybody that e-mailed about this topic. I no longer have the printer. You don't need to spend your time by e-mailing me.


-- Cory Noble (, July 04, 2002.

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