first kid arrives : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

Just wanted to let everyone know that our Cashmere doe just had her first kid. It was a first for us too. We weren't very sure of what we were doing but fortunately she knew what to do. What a thrill. Mama and Kid are fine. Doug

-- Doug in KY (, January 13, 2002


Congratulations!!! Is it a doe or buck? What color?

-- Sharon in AL (, January 13, 2002.

Cashmere! Lucky you!!!!

Congrats. We are still waiting, and it is driving me nuts. i dreamt I rescued three little kids out of a running river last night, and they were ADORABLE!

-- marcee (, January 14, 2002.

Congratulations! We just had our first kid this morning. It was a first for the Saanen mom and a first for us. I heard her from in the house, but not thinking she was due yet, if she was even bred, I thought she had her foot caught or something because she was lying down and yelling. I went running out and she stood up, leaving a wet baby laying in the hay outdoors. It's a girl. She is doing great. She's all white, and has wavy hair, and is so so sweet. The mother looked a bit lost, but then started licking her baby and the baby stood up, and I helped her find a teat, and she nursed. It was perfect. The mother doesn't mind the nursing at all, and has been licking and licking. I dipped the umbilical cord in iodine solution, and the kid is breathing fine. I gave the mother grain. Is there anything else I need to do? Probios? Thanks, Bobbi

-- Bobbi (, January 17, 2002.

My first kid arrival happened two months ago with a doe that wasn't bred. When I looked in the goat shed I saw this little brown thing and all I could think of is what is that rabbit doing in with the goats. Just goes to show you that it is a good thing that our animals know what they are doing. By the way the kid is a buck and his name is Rabbit.

-- gail missouri ozarks (, January 18, 2002.

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