dead moment is : LUSENET : Leica Photography : One Thread |
Hi GuysAll my Leica R lenses have a short dead moment when focussing. I mean when I turn left and change direction to rightthere is a short moment you don't feel the normal resistance in my 35, 50 en 135 it is a mere hardly noticable tick, in my 250/4 it is quite noticable, say about .5mm (so still not much). In the dead moment there is no change in the picture, not in focus, nor in view (as I do have with a minolta lens)
Is this normal, normal wear or just bad. Is it costly to repair if needed?
-- ReinierV (, January 14, 2002
I don't find this on any of my R lenses (quite a few).
-- Jay (, January 14, 2002.
Dear Reinier: I have never heard of this either. I hope that you have your Leica Passport. I think it is time to bundle up your lens and send it back to New Jersey. Incidentally, all my lenses (as well as my R8 bodies) have a FIVE YEAR passport guarrantee. The additional $75 for the extra TWO years is well worth it and I heartily recommend it!
-- Albert Knapp MD (, January 14, 2002.
"Incidentally, all my lenses (as well as my R8 bodies) have a FIVE YEAR passport guarrantee. The additional $75 for the extra TWO years is well worth it and I heartily recommend it! "Unless you've got something different, the Leica extended warranty is NOT a Passport Warranty. The no-fault Passport runs for three years from purchase, then the extended warranty kicks in for the remaining two. Back your car over your lens at Year 3 + 1 Day and you're out of luck. . . .
-- Robert Schneider (, January 14, 2002.
Well, I'm in Holland (Europe) so sending them to New Yersey is not a good idea I think :-). Also they're all 2nd hand and maybe 15 years old, so no guarentee left there. I'll send my 250 in to solve it, in the others it is hardly noticable.Reinier
-- ReinierV (, January 15, 2002.