are chrome lenses better wearing than black lenses? : LUSENET : Leica Photography : One Thread

I like the chrome look, but not the weight. But aside from cosmetics what other advantages might a chrome lens have over a standard black version?

-- sparkie (, January 15, 2002


Oh yeh, forgot to ask what would you choose, a Black OR Chrome version of the Summicron 90 (PRE asph/APO) lens. Just curious. May help me make my mind up. Yes, yes, I know, 'it depends' what matters most, Weight, Looks, etc..but I'm asking anyway!

-- sparkie (, January 15, 2002.

chorme weighs more... so the only benefit is that you will get a little bit more of an arm workout if you use it a lot. to me, the writing on the black lenses seems easier to read quickly (or even at a glance through the viewfinder). Other then that it is a matter of what you like.

-- Matthew Geddert (, January 15, 2002.

Chrome 'wears' better in the fashion sense - especially against a black turtleneck. 8^)

I agree the yellow/white on black numbers are much more perceptible.

Realistically the chrome is probably more durable than the anodized surface of the black lenses - and if you DO get a ding, the mark (shiny brass against chrome) will be less visible than on a black lens (shiny aluminum against black finish) for the same reason the numbering is less visible.

-- Andy Piper (, January 15, 2002.

IMO, except for the much smaller lens (eg., 35/2.0 4th version pre- ASPH), the weight of the chrome (and titanium - same weight as chrome) makes them inconvenient. This is most especially true of the 90/2.0 pre-ASPH, which goes from 470 g to what (? 600 g plus). Who would want to use such an unnecessarily heavy lens, when the 90/2.0 is already big and heavy? Not my cup of tea.

If you really want a chrome lens, I suggest the 35/2.0 pre-ASPH, which was one of the first M lenses to be offered when chrome was re- introduced in the 1990s.

-- Eliot (, January 15, 2002.

Yes chrome wears better, but like many others for me the extra weight makes them a no-no for me.

-- Robin Smith (, January 16, 2002.

I like the silver chrome because of the classic look with the chrome body.....really attractive to me.

-- Robert Clark (, January 21, 2002.

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