What is a CLA

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Leica Photography : One Thread

Pardon this obviously naive question, but I'm quite new to Leica, as I only own my M6 classic since last September. I many contributions the CLA is mentionned. What is it exactly ? How much does it typicaly cost ?

-- Stephane Bosman (stephane.bosman@2ci.net), January 17, 2002


I think CLA = Cleaning - Adjusting - Lubrificating.

François (Belgian Leicaphile) ;-)

-- François Renard (renard_fr@hotmail.com), January 17, 2002.





$200-$300, like your car, it depends on where you go; what they find after inspection; and what you want done.

-- Chris Chen (chrischen@msn.com), January 17, 2002.

Thanks, françois :) Any idea how much that costs ? I've noticed that my M6 does not fire a Metz 54MZ3 flash. Not that I'm thinking of using a flash, and certainly not that one, but I'd feel just a bit better knowing it works. All the rest seems to be just fine.

-- Stephane Bosman (stephane.bosman@2ci.net), January 17, 2002.

Care Love Attention.

BTW, I have a Vivitar 283 that won't work on some cameras (which will fire other flash guns)...never did find out why...

-- steve (stephenjjones@btopenworld.com), January 17, 2002.

CLA could take on 2 meanings depending on where you get it done.


C = Cleaning (as in cleaning the innards/outards of your M) L = Lube (as in lubricating the mechanisms) A = Adjustment (as in adjusting rangefinder, shutter etc)



C = Cleaning (as in cleaning out the chequing account) L = Lube (as in "break out the K-Y Jelly") A = Adjustment (as in having frequent conversations with your credit adjuster)

(1) has a desirable outcome. (2) is desirable outcome (+) :-(


-- John Chan (ouroboros_2001@yahoo.com), January 17, 2002.

There's no reason your M6 Classic would not fire a Metz 54MZ3. Of course you need to make sure the flash is set on non-TTL automatic, or manual, as there is no TTL flash in the M6 Classic. If for some reason the module on your 54 might be preventing the flash from firing on the M6's metal shoe, you might need the standard, one-pin SCA module, I believe it is the #301.

-- Jay (infinitydt@aol.com), January 17, 2002.

"Pardon this obviously naive question, ..." -- Stephane Bosman


Thanks for asking this question. I was too embarrased to ask it myself since I thought it was something basic that I should have known, and was waiting to figure it out over time. Like most men, I suppose!


-- Sikaan (Sikaan4@aol.com), January 17, 2002.

I didn't know either until I started reading this forum. Leica Denmark charges $100 pr. hour for their technicians. The CLA service is set to 3 hours + cost of parts -which rarely runs less than $50.
I suppose a Nikon technician would cost the same, but would you pay $300+ to have your Nikon FM from 1978 CLA'ed? I doubt it. You may consider $100 for a fix of something specific, but after all $300 is half the price of a new FM3a. I suppose this is the reason you rarely encounter the concept of a CLA other than in Leica, Medium Format and Collector circles.

-- Niels H. S. Nielsen (nhsn@ruc.dk), January 18, 2002.

Thanks all for your answers. I've learned something :-) And, BTW, Stephane, in French, is equivalent to Stephen in English. Meaning, well, i'm a man too :-)

-- Stephane Bosman (stephane.bosman@2ci.net), January 18, 2002.

Don Goldberg, referred to as "DAG" in Leica circles, is an independent Leica repairman who CLA's Leicas all the time. His number is 608-838- 4769 in Wisconsin (I think). Leica afficianados consider him to tbe god of all Leica repairmen.

-- Jay Pulli (pulli@elohi.com), January 22, 2002.

My Leica M2 was just CLA'd by my long-time Leica service man, Malcolm Taylor,he also replaced some dodgy gearing, and re-polished internal surfaces in the rangefinder. It now behaves like a new camera. His basic CLA charge is UKP 198, with the extra parts work this job cost me UK£243. And if you want the camera back quickly (in genuine cases) he can turn it round in a week. Malcolm is also capable of coating/re-coating lenses, and resilvering/semi-silvering prisms and mirrors - and not that many people do that. ALSO UK READERS TAKE NOTE: He is no longer registered for VAT so you're not paying that extra 17.5 per cent.

-- Andy Whysall (andy.whysall@bbc.co.uk), June 10, 2002.

MaybeI ought to tell you how to get hold of Malcolm: UK 01568 770542.

-- Andy Whysall (andy.whysall@bbc.co.uk), June 10, 2002.

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