M6 and Flash

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Leica Photography : One Thread

please don't flame me,

In several previous threads I had stated that I prefer not to use flash with my M2/4/6. I broke my own commandment when my friends invited me to their wedding and to take some photographs mainly at the reception (snap shots), although they'd hired a "pro". Well, I travel with a small flash (don't ask for name/model - I don't even know - bought 2nd hand for $5, Vivitar? w/bounce), and used it for the occasion. I also have a short PC cord, because whenever I use it I know I have to plug it in the socket or it doesn't flash. I use it with my SWC on occasion too. The SWC fill-flash produced interesting effects with flying rice - looks like 2nd curtain flash (I know it's a leaf shutter) - streak than flash (like comets). Of course, The SWC is cord only flash.

Anyway, is the shoe on my M6 classic "hot"? I think it MUST be. If it is, it doesn't work. I don't really mind as all the other funtions work, and using the cord is no big deal. I will not send it in if this is the only "problem" with the camera.

-- Chris Chen (chrischen@msn.com), January 17, 2002


The shoe on the M6 is hot, that's what the silver contact in the center of it is for. It's possible there's a short in it, but before sending your M6 for service, check your $5 flash on another camera with a hot-shoe and another hot-shoe flash on your M6. Also make sure that if the PC cord is removable from your flash, that you unplug it. On some flashes, plugging a PC cord into the flash disconnects the contact in the foot.

-- Jay (infinitydt@aol.com), January 17, 2002.

The hot shoe and the pc socket are triggered by different contacts in the camera. The flash is more likely to be the problem but it could be the hot shoe's contacts. Vivitar flashes will not fire through the hot shoe if a pc cord is plugged in.

-- John Collier (jbcollier@powersurfr.com), January 17, 2002.

Haha. Did you use a tripod, too? Cmon, admit it...

-- Richard (rvle@yahoo.com), January 17, 2002.

I have problems with flash on both my M6 classic bodies. The hot shoe only works on one and the sync sockets don't work on either. One is new (a year old) and the other maybe 13 years old, the older one is the one with the functioning hotshoe.

-- rob (rob@robertappleby.com), January 17, 2002.

Thanks Jay and John,

I tried my Vivitar 2800 (great, for a flash) yesterday (removed film) and the hot shoe works. It's true, PC plug disables shoe contact, for whatever reason.

-- Chris Chen (chrischen@msn.com), January 21, 2002.

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