Best paint for "imatation aluminim : LUSENET : Southern Railway : One Thread

The Imm. Aluminum on most models looks white to me. Is that correct? What paint is available to closely represent this color. And what paint for the Green and Black is most recommended ?

Thank you


-- Scott Adcock (, January 17, 2002


My above E-mail is not cooperating tonight. This one will work

-- Scott Adcock (, January 17, 2002.

Larry Pucket geve me this mix which is what he also recommended to P2K for their SRR engines: 3 parts Reefer White mixed with 1 part Reefer Grey.

I have used this and it looks like a perfect match to the P2K E- Units.

If you want to "fade" the paint, use more white. If you want a more recently painted engine, use less white.

Works for me.


-- Allen Cain (, January 19, 2002.

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