Looking for Pygmy goat

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

Looking to buy one or more pygmy goats in Mass.or New Hampshire area. Thank You!

-- steven plante (homestead@110.net), January 20, 2002


Hi Steven..... I to, would like to start raising Pygmy goats. Any advice on how to get started? Recommendation of a good resource book? I need info on fencing, nutrition etc. Let me know how hard it was to find your goats....Thanks, Harmony

-- Harmony (harmonyfarm57@hotmail.com), January 20, 2002.

I too have pygmy goats had to go with the smaller size as with my health couldn't handle the bigger ones. I already had a Nigerian Dwarf buck which I got online from Merry thought farms who is named Joshua. As I want to also milk my goats thought it might be better to use this cross. I got the pygmy does as here in south west missouri they are very common and cost about $25 each. I got mine by paying for an add in the weekly shopper paper I had several replies and picked the ones I did as they would deliver as I don't have transportation. I know I have used overkill on my fencing but it does work. What I have used is the #10wire stock panels which I have also attached 2x4" welded wire so that the small kids can't get out and also some of my does have horns and I was worried that they might get caught in the panels. I also cut many of the panels in half then I can move them and just tie them together so that they are portable. As the goats are small and the panels are fairly stif in 8 ft lengths and 7'4" lengths it gives me a good movable pen without having to put in posts.

Also in postings like this especialy I think that if you at least identified your general area you might find members on this forum close enough to maybe even provide the goats. If we knew where you were in a general area we could email you directly to see if we might be close enough to get you the goats. This problem seems to be never ending on this forum as it seems we have constant requests that people put where they are from. I understand that we may not want to give exact addresses in the open forum but a general idea would help so much. gail

-- gail missouri ozarks (gef@getgoin.net), January 20, 2002.

I have a 9 month old 3/4 Pygmy 1/4 Nubian doeling that I'll sell but I'm in the Southern Tier of New York. She's a cutie, and very friendly.

I'm looking for a Nubian buck to service my 1/2 Nubian doe. He must be in the Southern NY or Northeastern PA.

Stacy in NY

-- Stacy (KincoraFarm@aol.com), January 21, 2002.

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