Monday, Jan : LUSENET : MATH : One Thread |
Hey kids.Al - love the photos. How cute is Kyle?
-- Anonymous, January 21, 2002
Hey. Work. Sad.Wah! I'd rather be home, honoring the King.
Allison Lowe: Get the AB/pamie pictures developed, crazy girl! We need to see if we looked as cute as y'all did on NYE.
-- Anonymous, January 21, 2002
Is everyone else off today? Mayn. Jealous.
-- Anonymous, January 21, 2002
It appears that they are.I just went down and watched the MLK Day parade, though. Lots of marching bands! My favorite.
-- Anonymous, January 21, 2002
I'm here, trying to work but I am very unmotivated. Mainly, I'm just worrying about wedding things. Why are these things so expensive? It makes me crazy.
-- Anonymous, January 21, 2002
Because it's a racket. It's how they get ya.
-- Anonymous, January 21, 2002
Everyone in the world must be off today. +1 is dead too.
-- Anonymous, January 21, 2002