Tuesday, Jan. 22greenspun.com : LUSENET : MATH : One Thread |
Tuesday. Back at work.
Y'all, I'm so sad about Peggy Lee, I can't even tell you. She was a personal hero. She was one of the very, very best.
-- Anonymous, January 22, 2002
I'm missing something....Also - the fractal question? Haaaaaaaaa.
-- Anonymous, January 22, 2002
Oh, I read the article. I actually didn't know she was still alive.Also, KMart? Bankruptcy?
-- Anonymous, January 22, 2002
Dang - where is everybody?
Went to Whole Foods for lunch. I feel All Natural.
-- Anonymous, January 22, 2002
I be here.
-- Anonymous, January 22, 2002
Mike! It is a slow day here.What's new in news?
-- Anonymous, January 22, 2002
I'm here. They've been switching my machine over to a laptop. Which is better thah my old machine, since the old machine was a really crappy gateway that crashed four times a day, but worse in the sense that it only has Office 97 hen the crappy maching had Office XP.
-- Anonymous, January 22, 2002
The Supreme Court sort of says that sex offenders can be kept in jail beyond their prison terms, but it's very vague.Also, Rumsfeld says prisoners are being treated humanely.
-- Anonymous, January 22, 2002
Ooh - Mike, you should do a story on reverse discrimination cases!
-- Anonymous, January 22, 2002
Oh, if only I got to do any story at all, I'd be very happy.
-- Anonymous, January 22, 2002
Wait - what do you mean? And don't those people realize that the draft is in, like, 33 days??
-- Anonymous, January 22, 2002
I don't think I'm going to get to write news ... just edit and maintain the homefront and newsfront.
-- Anonymous, January 22, 2002
Well, that's just stupid.
-- Anonymous, January 22, 2002
Well, there you go.BTW, I'm just getting into my hotmail account now (haven't checked it in awhile). What's WG talking about in her 1/18 notify Re: the book list thing? What'd I miss?
-- Anonymous, January 22, 2002
She's setting up a mailing list for her book separate from her notify. I guess to send out and rec'v feedback on her novel.
-- Anonymous, January 22, 2002
Oh, well - we've all got to get on that list. Because I can only imagine the ancient Chinese secrets she will reveal in her novel.
-- Anonymous, January 22, 2002