Is it ever too late to breed does? (Goats - General) : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

I have three open does. I live in se Iowa. Is it too late to get them bred? Will it be too hot for them to kid in June or July? Also, I do not have a billy, I hate to take my girls off the place, as they are disease free so far. I have a friend who has one that I could borrow, but she has had coccidiosus(sp) and although she thinks she has it under control..she does not want to contaminate the place. What is my best route to take? I really am not concerned with what kind of kids I get...just want to get the girls freshening. One is a purebred Saanan and two are purebred Nubies.

Thank you so much.

-- Sher in se Iowa (, January 22, 2002


Response to Is it ever too late to breed does?

I wouldn't want to stress her buck out either if he just got over cocci. But you have cocci also. All goats have cocci in their systems, your goats simply have not had the stress hers just had to let the numbers elevate to the point she had trouble with it. Also if he was severely ill with this, he could be nearly sterile or have a very low sperm count anyway right now. If you would like some numbers of clubs in your area email me privately. Buying a young buckling in the early spring and using him that year on your stock, selling him that fall after everyone is confirmed bred, is much eaiser than hauling your girls around, or depending on someone else's buck. You also get your gals bred without the smell of the older buck at your house. Vicki

-- Vicki McGaugh TX (, January 22, 2002.

I thought that the breeds you have listed will only breed in the fall. As I am operating only in large part of what I have read I don't know for sure so would like one of you guys who do know to answer this question.

-- gail missouri ozarks (, January 22, 2002.

i know of several northern farmers that breed in june , i bought one bred doe , welater sold , she kidded june 11th , so that tells you she was bred around now.....

it shouldnt be a prob, but , i wouldnt use that buck , hes probobly not fertile , check some of the goat sites , you should find one in your area , or you could try AI....

good luck Beth

-- Beth Van Stiphout (, January 24, 2002.

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