Countryside Apple Cake recipe - please : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
Our last issue of countryside had a dandy easy apple cake recipe. We made it with our stored Arkansas Blacks and it was wonderful. Well my husband has left on a research expedition on a ship for 2 months. He took the magazine and now I want to make the cake to take to a friends tomorrow. Will one of you please type out the recipe for me. I will be much indepted!!! Kim
-- kim (, January 22, 2002
Had to hunt for my issue-I hope this is what you want. mix 1 or 2 eggs,2 cups sugar and 1/2 c hard shortening add 2 c flour, 4 c apples sliced, 1/4 t ginger, cloves cinn or pumpkin pie spice and 1/4 c nuts, raisons, dates, or dried fruit bits. Bake in greased and floured pan 45 min @350. I,ll have to try this.
-- Terri in WV (, January 23, 2002.