leica cl and minolta cle

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Leica Photography : One Thread

if you use a 35mm lens on these cameras, which framelines show up?

-- stefan randlkofer (geesbert@yahoo.com), January 23, 2002


The CLE does not recognize the 35mm key on the back of the lens. I believe you will see only the 28 lines, which is the default setting (this is what comes up in the finder when there is no lens on the camera). Not sure about the CL--but I bet it is also whatever the default, "no lens on the camera", setting is.

-- Andrew Schank (aschank@flash.net), January 23, 2002.

. . . and I think that is the 40mm frame. The 50mm and 90mm show up when the corresponding lens is fitted. The 40mm frame is always there.

-- Bob Fleischman (RFXMAIL@prodigy.net), January 23, 2002.

First, bear in mind that old Leica 35/2 and 1.4 do NOT fit on to the Minolta CLE (they do on to the CL). If you do get a 35mm lens on (screw mounts with adaptors, the old Leica 35/3.5 and the new ASPH's) the 28mm frame line pops up. A Minolta 28/2.8 will pop up the 35mm frame line on Leica M's.

-- Alex Shishin (shishin@suma.kobe-wu.ac.jp), January 23, 2002.

Everyone keeps saying that the 35mm M lenses dont fit the CLE. The third version of the 35 f2 fits my CLE fine as does the current 35 f1.4 asph.

-- mark eban (markeban@compuserve.com), January 24, 2002.

I've had two CLE's for 20 years. I have 8 Leica lenses and use them all on my CLEs. The older 35/2 (mid-70's make) and the latest 35/2 ASPH both work wonderfully. The 35 leaves you with the 28 lines, but one learns easily to simply "know" where the "real" framelines are. Same with the 50's. You get the 40 lines, and simply learn to mentally cut in to the right cropping. Best M cameras Leica never made.


-- Owen Wrigley (owenw@sala.net), February 15, 2002.

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