Wednesday, Jan. 23, 2002 : LUSENET : MATH : One Thread

Y'all. I went to the grief thing last night. Lord, lord. I cried from the moment I sat down until I left. I haven't cried in weeks (since the basketball game), so I don't know what was up with me, but I couldn't help it.

There was a man there whose son was in the WTC.

I was glad I went. It will be good for me.

What are y'all doing?

-- Anonymous, January 23, 2002


Do you feel comfortable there? How big is the group?

I went to yoga yesterday for the first time ever and I am SO completely sore today.

-- Anonymous, January 23, 2002

Yeah, the people were all very sweet.

Soreness means it's working. Yoga is really good for you.

-- Anonymous, January 23, 2002

Y'all, I have just realized that I am the offical, for real L_L of +1. Many of the dead threads have been killed by yours truly.


-- Anonymous, January 23, 2002

And clearly here too. . .

Where are you people?

-- Anonymous, January 23, 2002

I am here! Y'all. So busy! I have been in the weeds for, like, the whole week now. Oddly enough, it makes me feel all hopped up and wired, not tired like I should be.

Anyway. Good for you, Al. Crying make world go round, that what Lin Chao always say.

Oh, also? There is this TOTAL dick boy I work with, Coby. I am so full of hate for him right now, I could spit. Yesterday Carey (boss) asked him to ask me to fix this one page on the site, and he came up to me and said, "Yeah. I'm not sure why, but Carey's under the impression that you know how to do this stuff. Uh, whatever, but can you?" And then he said it again, later. I hate him.

-- Anonymous, January 23, 2002

What an ass. He just jealous.

-- Anonymous, January 23, 2002

No more L_Ls, for I have arrived.

-- Anonymous, January 23, 2002

As have I. Or, I have returned, as it were.

-- Anonymous, January 23, 2002

Tonight should be interesting -- all the former old-school sports peeps are going out drinking.

Could get interesting. Or ugly. Or both.

-- Anonymous, January 23, 2002

Did I ever tell you that I always change "as it were," in my head, to "as a twerp"?

"Allison has returned, as a twerp."

-- Anonymous, January 23, 2002

AB, Omar's entry is hilarious!

Two things:

1.) AB, I feel your pain. Sima's always commenting on the way I hold my fork, which is apparently some bad, wrong and illegal way. What's up with that? It's a silver (or plastic, depending on the classiness factor) thing with tines that you use to spear food and direct it mouthward, correct? And I manage to accomplish that without (usually) spilling things all over the table. So what could be the problem?

2.) Hey, Hashaiites. (Is that what you guys call yourselves? Like the Shiite Moslems?)

Can we call ourselves that? We could pretend it's our own religion and convert people, like the Mormons. Can I be a prophet?

-- Anonymous, January 23, 2002

AB, I have eaten in your presence many times and never noticed that you had a utensil problem. Omar might be in line for an ass kicking.

-- Anonymous, January 23, 2002

I hide it well. Or, Omar was just making shit up, as a twerp.

Mike, you can certainly be a Hashaiite. Membership fees (a tithe, if you will) include the mailing of one (1) case of Stoli Vanil, and two (2) cartons of Marlboro Lights.

-- Anonymous, January 23, 2002

Dude, I'm poor. Can I pay on the installment plan?

-- Anonymous, January 23, 2002

Sigh. I suppose.

-- Anonymous, January 23, 2002

TWO cartons? How about 2 packs?

-- Anonymous, January 23, 2002

Two packs? That would last about 2 seconds in the Chao House.

-- Anonymous, January 23, 2002

It's the case of stoli that worries me.

-- Anonymous, January 23, 2002

The other day I was really bored and kind of depressed in that bored kind of way and I seriously contemplated starting smoking again. I was like, I was NEVER bored when I smoked! Because I was smoking! That lasted about 30 seconds.

Do you think +1 might be showing up in some crazy google search for Trading Spaces?

-- Anonymous, January 23, 2002

It must be. Because where are these people coming from? I LOVE the random Trading Spaces +1ers. They are very enthusiastic and complimentary of MATH.

-- Anonymous, January 23, 2002

I'm oot, peeps.

Much MATH love. Another day without T... sad.

-- Anonymous, January 23, 2002

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