How much milk from a Boer cross doe? : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

Just wondering--I have 2 Boer/Nubian cross does that are due to kid in March. They are about 3/4 Boer or a bit more.

I do plan on milking them, I know I won't get a lot of milk (compared to a pure dairy goat) but I was wondering if anyone knew how much I could expect?

-- Tracy (, January 23, 2002


Hi Tracy, Our Boer crosses, which were first year milkers last year each gave 3 to 4 lbs. per milking. Of course, that was early in the season, they drop off some as the summer progresses. It will vary quite a bit depending on the milking ability of the Nubians, feed, etc., and the first year is not always a good indicator of subsequent year's production. We have been very pleasantly surprised several times when a doe who was on the lower end of th scale the first year really came into her own in subsequent years.

-- Dianne Wood - WA (, January 23, 2002.

excellent question , my boer cross doe is due to kid the end of feb , and i was getting ready type this question in myself ....

now, heres another boer question , i actually have 2 cross does , one i am intending to milk , has nice teats , the other one has a small split in the end of her teat , no hole there though , just looks funny(i am used to my saanens) can i still milk her , its not a huge nasty deformity , in fact, we didnt notice it till the 2nd day when we were doing more in depth health check on her .... we had looked through all the kids and checked (in a pen of 30 kids), as best we could , and marked out the ones we thought were best :)

-- Beth Van Stiphout (, January 24, 2002.

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