Focusing Screen for AE-1 : LUSENET : Canon FD : One Thread

Are the focusing screens for the AE-1 Program interchangeable with the AE-1 focusing screen? I own an AE-1 and may have permanently marred the focusing screen with a greasy residue from the camera body during routine cleaning. Can the screen be changed by me, or does it have to go to the repair shop?

-- Giff Randall (, January 23, 2002


The AE-1 program has varios changeble screens made to be changed by the user. The AE-1 has a fix screen that have to be changed in a workshop. I don't think they use the same screen. The AE-1 P is known to have an expecially large and bright picture in the finder.

-- Jomar Haktorson (, January 24, 2002.

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