Missouri? berry plant trade? have red raspberries

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

I have great red raspberries and would like to trade for other types of berries. I would like anything besides thorny blackberries. thornless blackberries, blackberries, golden raspberies, currents, really anything would be wonderful. i travel all over missouri, i dont get to the branson area much though. i live near columbia.

-- randy wybrant (rwybrant@coin.org), January 24, 2002


Randy, I don't have ant berries, would you be interested in trading for chickens, eggs, ducklings, or rabbits?

-- Karen Mauk (kansashobbit@yahoo.com), January 24, 2002.

Would you trade for gooseberries? Terry

-- Terry Lipe (elipe@fidnet.com), January 24, 2002.

Gosh, I'm just over in Boonville but don't have berries to trade :( I do have fresh eggs to trade if you're interested.

-- Susan (smtroxel@socket.net), January 24, 2002.

goose berries? great! i don't know anything about gooseberries, but i want to try them all. i would be willing to trade for chickens and eggs this spring. i have to build a chicken house or something first. where does everyone live. i do go to columbia alot, maybe we could meet at my favorite place. home depot!!!!

-- randy wybrant (rwybrant@coin.org), January 24, 2002.

Hi, Randy, Would you be interested in young persimmon trees? I'll also have Rhode Island Red chicks in a few weeks. I live near Jane, MO. (SW corner of MO) Thanks! Michelle

-- Michelle Burk (dmburk@juno.com), March 04, 2002.

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