Goat Browse--what kind of trees are OK?greenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
I'd like to gather tree branches, leaves, etc for my goats. What kinds are usually fed to them? I have access to lots of Willows, aspen, pine.
-- Tracy (zebella@mindspring.com), January 24, 2002
My goats have access to willow, aspen (called poplar here) and pine, along with fir, spruce, oak, ash, hackmatack, alder and apple in their pastures. They nibble here and there on leaves and bark of these trees with no ill effects. But they always have fresh hay available and graze on grass and clover. Maybe if they were starving they might eat a toxic amount! Oh...they also nibble on the fallen leaves and fruits (including acorns) of these trees in the fall.
-- Marcia (HrMr@webtv.net), January 24, 2002.
The main trees to avoid are wilted fruit tree leaves, yew, hemlock, and azalea.Goats vary in their reactions to poisonous plants but all the info I can locate says to avoid these.My daughter works for a vet and there were two young goats brought in last year after eating poisonous plants.One ate azaleas and was treated and lived. The other ate green acorns and wild pea vine, it died.
-- VickiP. (countrymous@webtv.net), January 24, 2002.
Your local cooperative extension service *should* have a list of plant species specific to your region that are known to be toxic to livestock. I'd get that and work from there.........Alan.
-- Alan (athagan@alantic.net), January 24, 2002.
I have found in the southern part of Ga that Azalia and Cherry trees are very toxic to goats. They love pine trimmings and the Green needles. The sap from pine is a medicine to them. It does not hurt them and seems to clear up the first signs of a cold and runny nose. Of Course more serious cases need a shot of LA 200 or something in that line.
-- Ray S. Jackson Jr. (fishin30467@yahoo.com), January 30, 2002.