Discontinued Walthers Structure

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Southern Railway : One Thread

Does anyone know of a hobby shop or other source in your area that may have the Walthers North Island Oil Refinery kit? It is no longer available in the Walthers "reference manual". The new "United Petroleum Refining (Deluxe) model represents a refinery typical of something you'd see today. I need something that reflects "yesterdays" appearance without the updated safety cages around the ladders on the distillation towers and furnaces.

-- Michael E. Risher (nawalins@hotmail.com), January 24, 2002


You might try contacting the Train Station in Columbus, OH. www.trainstationohio.com

-- Marty Flick (Golddenim@insight.rr.com), July 11, 2002.

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