Redworms : LUSENET : barter board : One Thread

Well Howdy,Since the stevia plants seem to interest a lot of people, I thought I would offer some of my redworms for sale of trade. One pound of redworms shipped priority mail(in USA)$15.50 total cost. Will consider seeds or plants or fertile hatching eggs of equal value. Here is my farm website if you want to take a look;

-- Anonymous, January 25, 2002


trade for raspberries?

-- Anonymous, January 25, 2002

Sure Randy, I sent you an e-mail. Daryll

-- Anonymous, January 25, 2002

Still have plenty of redworms left to sell or trade, My e-mail is real. Daryll

-- Anonymous, January 29, 2002

Saw your site and your answers and what you grew. I'm interested in Kiwi plants, as I have exotic animals that love the stuff. We grow lots of exotic and unusual plants that we could trade.

I see that you live in Chipley, FL and if I had know that a day ago, I could have my brother-in-law drop off a load of stuff! My mother-in-law lives in Westville - not more than a knats fly away from you! Not really interested in worms, as after 15 years, we have 1,000s of our own making the soil better than the sand it used to be. (We live in Orlando)

We have heirloom variety of seeds and plants. I make my own candles. I design websites, I do graphic design, etc.

I love bartering. Some of the best deals I ever did was thru bartering (got a new washing machine, money off a new laser printer, saved money on a car, lots of plants, and of course, lots of new friends) We have chickens, goat, bees, plants, Malaysian squirrel, fish, dogs, and a wallaby.

Let's bar

-- Anonymous, March 08, 2002

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