tomato seasonings and sugar free deserts : LUSENET : barter board : One Thread

i have cans of spagetti, bbq, ketchup, chili, salsa, and pizza sauce mix.most cans will make about 2 gallons of product. salsa will make about 4 gallons. Its nice to be able to make salsa or spagetti in one batch or so. I cook down tomatoes in my 18 quart roaster and add two cans of seasoning and i've got spagetti for the year. i have a porksausage seasoning that you mix with 30 lbs of meat

In the sugar free line, i have sugar free apple, cherry, blueberry and peach. i have sugar free mouses, sugar free puddings, icings, i alsohave dietetic cake mixes and a oatmeal cookie mix.

these are all product that usely are sold to senior centers and ssuch. for example a can a sugar free cheese cake will make 30 servings , but i freeze the product and they thaw very well. the mousses freeze like sherbert.

i would like different kinds of berries or trees that fruit.

-- Anonymous, January 25, 2002


Randy, What type of sugar-free is it? What is used in the place of the sugar?

-- Anonymous, January 31, 2002

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