Calendar added to Web site : LUSENET : Central of Georgia Railway Historical Soc : One Thread

We have added a calendar to the CofGa Rwy HS Web site. The intended use of this calendar is to list events of interest to Society members and others interested in the Central.

Another new feature is that upcoming events from the calendar are displayed on the right-hand side of the home page. Clicking on any event takes you to its description in the calendar.

One reason for the change is that user feedbacks indicates the Events List is not visible enough. All of the dates listed on the Events List have been transfered to the calendar. The Events List will be phased out and be replaced by the calendar.

You might notice that the short description of events is limited to fewer characters now, so that the descriptions fit better in the boxes of the calendar. Some abbreviating was required, but all of the details should be present in the longer presentation that you get when opening an item.

If you know of any up coming events, such as train shows or meetings, you can use the "add event" link to add your event to the calendar. While your event will be added to the database right away, you will not see it on the calendar until the software processes it. This delay is required to update the home page, if necessary, a process which is not yet automated (we have to do it by hand).

With the recent addition of the Survivors List, the Diesel Roster and now the Calendar, plus the Q&A Forum, the Mailing List and the Links List, there are now six interactive services running on the CofGa Rwy HS Web site, with the first three run entirely from our server using home-brewed code.

We hope to continue adding new features like these that we hope allow better collaboration between fans of the Central

-- Ron. Wright (, January 28, 2002

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