Sheep for sale or trade : LUSENET : barter board : One Thread

I have three sheep I would like to sell. I have two commercial Jacobs, 1 ram lamb (3/01) and a 2 year old horned ewe. The ram still has his lamb wool and has 4 horns. Both Jacobs are 90% black and not related to each other. I also have a registered prue breed white Icelandic ram(born 4/2000). He is big with great horns. Since my Icelandic flock is small, I like to keep my bloodlines as diverse as possible. I'm asking $80 for the pair of Jacobs and $400 for the Icelandic ram. I would be willing to trade for breed Angora doe yearlings. I am located in Eastern Massachusetts.

-- Anonymous, January 28, 2002

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