Anyone want to trade their Voigt 15 for my Voigt 21? : LUSENET : Leica Photography : One Thread

Would anyone be interested in trading their Voigtlander 15mm lens and finder for my 21/4 lens and finder???

My lens/finder is in like new condition. I have the box, manual, caps & hood.

Would like to make an even trade for a lens in the same condition.

-- Jim Tardio (, January 29, 2002


Where were you two weeks ago! I just sold my 15...

:-( ,

-- Jack Flesher (, January 29, 2002.

That's me....a day late and a dollar short!

Forgot to mention that this is the black model lens...I would like the same.

-- Jim Tardio (, January 29, 2002.

Jim, may I ask why you're changing? Not wide enough? I recently got a 25 and am feeling the same way...wondering about a 21.

-- Ronald Blachly (, January 29, 2002.

Jim, I'm curious as to your reason for wanting to do this trade.

-- Andrew Schank (, January 29, 2002.

I'm looking to trade because I just have too much duplication at this focal length...and, I also have the 25/4 Skopar.

I have a Nikkor 20/2.8, a 20-35/2.8 zoom, and a Contax G 21. I mostly work with the Nikons and the Contax. I want to put the 15 on a Bessa L, set the hyperfocal distance, and basically point and shoot for b&w street shots...I probably won't even use the finder.

I'm also selling my Bessa R and 35/2.5 Classic Skopar (both virtually new) because I just can't focus fast enough, for what I do, with a traditional rangefinder patch. I have an XPAN, but that is used for a slower type (tripod) shooting, and fast focus is not critical.

I've experimented with traveling with slrs and rangefinders, and for me, the AF speed & matrix metering of an slr is more practical. I use my Contax G for night shooting because of it's ability to focus in total darkness, and it's accurate metering for long, long exposures.

The 21/4 is a great lens, but at this point in time it's the odd man out for me.

-- Jim Tardio (, January 29, 2002.

jim, what kind of photos do you take in total darkness?

-- stefan randlkofer (, January 29, 2002.

jim, what kind of photos do you take in total darkness?

Mostly flash pictures. It's nice if the camera is in focus before the flash goes off. Try it with rear-curtain synchronization. Sometimes you don't want to focus where the light source is.

-- Jim Tardio (, January 29, 2002.

Thanks to all that have read this post, or emailed me...but I have swapped the lens with someone.

-- Jim Tardio (, January 29, 2002.

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