Eseco TCL-90S Densitometer - any good? : LUSENET : B&W Photo - Film & Processing : One Thread

I have an opportunity to pick up a used densitometer for a pretty good price. The model is as stated in the subject line, as is the question. Is this a good densitomter? I've never heard of it before.

I want to use it to read B&W negatives developed in standard non-staining developers as well as pyro developed negs.

It's a CMY, not a RGB densitometer. What color would I use to read B&W negs? I would use Red on a RGB densitometer. Likewise, what color would I use to read pyro negs? Again, with a RGB densitometer I would use the blue mode.

The thing is a bit of a boat anchor, but if it works...



-- Ken Miller (, January 29, 2002


No, you would use the blue (B) on an RGB densitometer and the yellow on a CMY...remember the colors are complementary, so the yellow stain will look with LESS density, not more as in an RGB....frankly I think you are asking for trouble and confusion.

-- Jorge Gasteazoro (, January 29, 2002.

Why trouble? Once you know how to use it, you just use it. I just want to know if the unit itself is a good unit, or something to avoid due to poor quality.

I have a series of test negatives that I had 'professionally' read - I'm going to try and read them tomorrow, and see how the readings compare....


-- Ken Miller (, January 30, 2002.

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