Wed., Jan. 30, 2002 : LUSENET : MATH : One Thread


It's almost February.

-- Anonymous, January 30, 2002


I have to tell y'all - beware the Lord of the Rings. Reading the books will ruin your relationship.

Chris is on the last book, and I am quickly gaining on him, and we said about three words to each other last night. We both read from 7 until 11. He took a break to watch the President's address. I did not.

Must finish books.... my precious...

-- Anonymous, January 30, 2002

I didn't watch the State of the Union either. And I really should have, but damn, I couldn't. I just had to take a t.v. break.

See, I don't think it's weird that you read and barely talk. At least you're reading and not like, watching t.v. or playing playstation and not talking, you know?

Thank GOD it's almost Feb. January is always my most hated month.

-- Anonymous, January 30, 2002

Oh, God. If a Playstation ever enters my relationship, it will be all over. I could not deal with that. Seriously, it would be the death knell. It is hard enough prying the TV remote from the hands of the MOC.

If VH-1 Classic was on and I walked in dressed like Mary, Queen of Scots and announced that I had just inherited a cheese facorty, Chris would be like "Uh huh..."

-- Anonymous, January 30, 2002

Oh my GOD! What did we miss?! What is going on? Is Meloonsa getting called out?! Someone find out!

This is on our public vs. private thread. Out of nowhere.

I'm always impressed when someone has a nervous breakdown in public. How that girl made it though three years of law school is beyond me. Here's a tip for you Miss Melissa: When everyone around you is seemingly trying to stalk you, attack you, whatever, there might be some holes in your reasoning process. No tried to stalk you. Get over yourself, you freak.

Oh, wait you don't have to,since you've managed to surround yourself with the three people in the world as crazy as you are.

"Be nicer to each other?" You start. You don't get to take the high road when you're the first person to start slinging shit.

-- Mary Pat (, January 30, 2002.

-- Anonymous, January 30, 2002

Go to It's something that happened in the Back Alley on Nothing major. Just Meloonsa being a LOON but you know how Beth is.

I have NO IDEA who this Mary Pat person is. And why she chose that thread or our forum to post that.

-- Anonymous, January 30, 2002

Well... I read all that, and of course I still don't get it. God, she is a crazy, crazy girl.

There's no way she graduated from GW Law - she is just about the worst writer I can imagine.

-- Anonymous, January 30, 2002

Good morning! I am in the throes of a strange and unprecedented bout of nausea, which I can only pray is because I'm knocked up, and not because I'm getting the flu.

Re: The Nutjob... Wunderblog pretty much started it all for crazy Meloonsa, when she linked to one of her crazier entries over in Keli's forum. Then Meloonsa posted all kinds of craziness in Xeney's Back Alley about it, and they were all over her after that. She is a NUT, y'all.

I couldn't really understand what she was saying in that weird entry of hers, but did it sound like she was quitting?

-- Anonymous, January 30, 2002

Yeah, I don't really get it either. I can't imagine anyone from Beth's forum comign over here just to post that, because hell, if they want to be nasty they'll just be nasty there. And why did this Mary Pat put (a clearly fake) squishettes address?

-- Anonymous, January 30, 2002

No idea. But now she's put a hotmail address.

-- Anonymous, January 30, 2002

I guess she started something with some xeney people and they made her real mad and she stopped her journal?

She's so loony. I wonder if anyone even understands she's talking about.

-- Anonymous, January 30, 2002

I do worry that Meloonsa is not long for this world.

-- Anonymous, January 30, 2002

I think she mentioned Rob because the thread on Xeney's forum started when Rob banned Gabby from 935. I guess Beth is banned from there as well. So that's how the whole thing started, and I guess Meloonsa mentioned Rob because Beth hates him and Beth was hating on her. That's my guess anyway.

No clue who Mary Pat is.

-- Anonymous, January 30, 2002

Ooh - and who are the three crazy people that she surrounded herself with?

-- Anonymous, January 30, 2002

I wonder how it got to +1.

I guess Meloonsa links to us on her site, doesn't she? Maybe this Mary Pat person wanted to bash her everywhere she could. But what was up with that squishettes e-mail thing?

-- Anonymous, January 30, 2002

Oh no... what if this Mary Pat person thinks the M in MATH stands for Melissa?!

-- Anonymous, January 30, 2002

Nobody's banned from 935 except Dreama, so Beth and whoever else can go there. I think Beth banned Keli, Rob, and Dana for about 5 minutes, then changed her mind. And I don't know why she'd mention Rob or stick up for 935, since I've only seen her post there a couple of times. But Dana said Melissa e-mails her all the time, so maybe that's why.

-- Anonymous, January 30, 2002

See, Al, that's my fear. I think we need to clear that whole thing up, fast.

-- Anonymous, January 30, 2002

I don't know who the 3 crazy people she surrounded herself with unless Mary Pat DOES this Melissa is the M in MATH! But how dumb can you be?

-- Anonymous, January 30, 2002

Maybe Mary Pat is Melissa!

If she knows enough to know about "3 people" or whatever, that means she knows Melissa pretty well, right? So she COULDN'T think that she's the M in MATH.

-- Anonymous, January 30, 2002

Well, I posted a little something to clear up any confusion regarding who, exactly, the M in MATH+1 is. Because I just can't take the thought of people thinking that Meloonsa is one of us.

AB, that's a good theory about Mary Pat - otherwise, why would there be the email address?

-- Anonymous, January 30, 2002

Oh no! Mary Pat - whoever she is - thinks that Mike and Meloonsa are FRIENDS! Where did she get that??

-- Anonymous, January 30, 2002

Y'all, this is sort of funny. Meloonsa strikes again. I did look on squishettes last night ot see if she'd posted anything, but she hadn't.

I want to know who the other 3 crazy people are.

-- Anonymous, January 30, 2002

Because she's Meloonsa herself and loves Mike?

I have no idea. I love how everybody at +1 can make something that started out mean become so confused and silly that we make people forget how it got started! We're like the Marx Brothers of the web.

-- Anonymous, January 30, 2002

Oh, this is funny as hell. I wish Mary Pat would post her explanation.

Johanna, I can't get to squishettes - is there a secret way, or something?

-- Anonymous, January 30, 2002

I do sort of want Mary Pat to lay it all out there. How can we ask her to do so without seeming like shit stirrers?

Cause I really want to know who she is and who these other 3 crazy people are.

-- Anonymous, January 30, 2002

Ha! They think that we're conspiring to expose these internet fools! It's like we're accomplishing all of our MATH+1 goals without ever having to do a thing.

-- Anonymous, January 30, 2002

Too bad we can't get PigFatt over here and trounce him.

Man, that's weird. It's like Mary Pat came out of the woods. But it also makes me wonder how many lurkers we really have.

Y'all, this really might make Melissa go off somewhere.

-- Anonymous, January 30, 2002

T - it's just, but there's nothing there. (Besides an anomaly of rape victims and cutters.)

I'm surprised neither Rowen nor Meloonsa posted anything.

-- Anonymous, January 30, 2002

And who is this Kris person? Friend or foe?

What a wierd thing to happen on a Wednesday morning. Y'all know Meloonsa is wandering the streets of her town in a bathrobe, talking to her invisible dog. She needs to be taken to a quiet place and receive medication.

-- Anonymous, January 30, 2002

I have to go to a three hour meeting now. Y'all hold down the fort.

-- Anonymous, January 30, 2002

No idea who this Kris character is. No email address. Obviously someone from the Usual Suspects.

I just can't believe nothing's shown up on squishettes yet.

-- Anonymous, January 30, 2002

God, y'all, my neighborhood even has a forum, now. I feel like such a petty grown-up when I post there. I use terms like "parking vigilantism."

-- Anonymous, January 30, 2002

Oh no! Mary Pat - whoever she is - thinks that Mike and Meloonsa are FRIENDS! Where did she get that??

WHAT????: WHERE is this?

-- Anonymous, January 30, 2002

Don't worry, Mike - it's all cleared up. It's in the public vs. private thread.

-- Anonymous, January 30, 2002

I don't think it does say that. I think T got that impression from Mary Pat's answer. She was just making sure everyone knew that even though Meloonsa looooves you, that you're not her friend.

I really hope she doesn't come up missing though. That would truly be the saddest thing. Poor crazy law-degreed Meloonsa.

-- Anonymous, January 30, 2002

Thank God. You know, I have a reputation to uphold.

-- Anonymous, January 30, 2002

Is it bad that I always giggle when I see anything related to Glascock County, Georgia?

-- Anonymous, January 30, 2002

Can anyone else get into Beth's back alley?

Man, Meloonsa can sure stir things up for no reason (and on no evidence) at all.

-- Anonymous, January 30, 2002

Yeah, I read it all last night before this Mary Pat person posted.

-- Anonymous, January 30, 2002

One of my favorites is "CAT on a Hot Tin Roof". And Al, please don't be so snooty - when you were little I wore out the pages of "Chicken Little" and "The Little Red Hen".

DAMN, JoLo is funny sometimes.

-- Anonymous, January 30, 2002

She is.

Mayn. I want word from Meloonsa.

-- Anonymous, January 30, 2002

Quick! Y'all give me a dinner idea. Tacos last night were muy delish.

I might have to go to the store tonight... I don't even think I have anything in the freezer to fix, besides a pizza, and I am trying to stear clear of the junk.

-- Anonymous, January 30, 2002

I'm making mushroom stew with orriechette - it is better than it sounds. Um, I don't know what you have on hand. But OH MY GOD - the risotto I made from A New Way To Cook last night was so, so good. I ate the rest of it for lunch today. And the only fat was an itsy bit of butter and a little bit of parmesan.

-- Anonymous, January 30, 2002

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