Pentax 35mm cameras : LUSENET : B&W Photo - Film & Processing : One Thread

I wasn't sure where to ask this so here goes. I have just started researching pentax 35mm format cameras and wondered what was the top of the line camera that pentax made during the late 70's and 80's. I am a die-hard Nikon guy, but I have a couple Pentax medium format cameras that are wonderful, and can't help but think that maybe some of thier 35mm stuff couldn't be too bad. I am looking at getting a cheap used one for my 8 year old. Just to get him started.

-- Justin Fullmer (, January 30, 2002


Pentax made a MX which was very light, manual exp. mechanical shutter that is very similiar to a nikon FM in operation, right down to the collar lock on the shutter button, with a full system of motors, etc. introduced in 1976. I used one in high school and it worked great until I dropped it. Very light duty like an OM, and I'm not real fond of the lack of robust-ness that I am used to i.e. Nikon F-series. The LX was introduced 1980, and was a very competent competitor to the canon f-1 (later introduced), and the Nikon F-3. Very expensive, IMO, about $600-650 for an LX in good shape.

We are talking about an 8-year old, however. Is he really going to miss the exposure information in the viewfinder if he were to use a k1000? picture quality is identical, of course, and the K1000 is going to withstand more abuse than the MX or the LX. These are my observations working in a repair facility. The K1000 is a great camera. There are quite a few out there still firing after 20 years. plenty of parts too.

-- Mike DeVoue (, January 30, 2002.

Thanks Mike, There seems to be several k-1000's on e-bay, compared to what I pay for Nikon equiptment, these seem like a steal. How does the Pentax's equivelant compare to a Nikon Fe-2 or F3?

-- Justin Fullmer (, January 30, 2002.

Pentax made the ME and ME super which feature aperture priority along with the LX, much like Nikon's FE(2), and F3. I am not too hot about the ME and ME super, control layout is sad compared with the nikons. It's not my only complaint, but a shutter speed dial (rather than buttons + LCD) is better for the beginner, IMO. I would toss my pennies for the MV- I don't think it features a manual exposure mode, but is cheap. I often recommend Canon T-50's (very similiar to MV) for customers shopping for pre-teen and pre-pre-teen recipients, because the all-manuals (K-1000, FM) are easier to goof up exposure- wise.

-- Mike DeVoue (, January 30, 2002.

I'm fairly new to 35 mm slr photography; however, I own a Pentax Super Program - about 15 years old? It has aperture & shutter priority modes as well as manual.

I would suggest you look at the Pentax Discussion List - here, is the world of Pentax users who give each other advice and comments on Pentax cameras and equipment. Worth a look and definitely feel free to submit your questions regarding pentax equipment. THese Pentax lovers will help you with your question.


-- May (, January 30, 2002.

These were very fine cameras and lenses. I had a KX and was very pleased with it, until it got damaged. This is a manual camera, with TTL metering. This was not a system camera, but similar features to the FM's.

-- Charlie Strack (, January 30, 2002.

I have had Pentax 35's since I was a little guy (K-1000). I have had Me Super's and now 2 LX's and love them. I won't get any of the new AF's because I don't feel they are the same caliber as the LX's. I would recommend the K1000 for the little guy because they are unbreakable...still have mine (Dad gave it to me at 10 yrs old) and it still works great. A great camera to learn on also!!!

-- Scott Walton (, January 30, 2002.


I don't know much about Pentax cameras but I would recommend something that has a match needle design for exposure in the view finder such as a Nikon FE. I think older K-1000 had this design. My daughter is 6yrs old and has pretty much mastered basic use of an FE once I set shutter speed and EI.

-- James Chinn (, January 30, 2002.

Ditto the K-1000. All manual, rugged as a tank. The match needle metering is more instructive than LEDs. Repair parts are plentiful if needed. It uses any K-mount lens, which for a kid can be picked up very cheaply. I have a big caveat, though.

I have recently switched from an ME Super to the Pentax KX, which has more manual features I wanted. I let my 12 year old nephew use the ME Super for a day of shooting at Colonial Williamsburg and he managed to clobber the winding mechanism. this was my own fault, for not thinking it through. There is a lot to do when you have to set exposure and focus and compose at the same time. Combine that with all the other visual stimulation going on, and I think he was simply overwhelmed by the complexity.

I read a few articles since about getting kids started in photography, and they seem to concur with each other that simpler is better. I started with a Kodak Baby Brownie (127 B&W film). Maybe a basic point and shoot would get an 8-year-old faster positive feedback in terms of results. Then, as he sees you using manual features, he might want to get more versatility.

-- Jeff Polaski (, January 31, 2002.

Jeff- alot of the ME and super are having a transport problems. One of the more common problems I see with this model. Unfortunate, yes, but I'm not surprised. Not too hard a problem to solve though, if you love the camera.

-- Mike DeVoue (, February 01, 2002.

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