Does Anyone Have A Dusty Sewing Machine or Surger ? : LUSENET : barter board : One Thread

Does anyone out there have a sewing machine or surger that is just sitting around gathering dust? Shame on you, just kidding! I am in need of a few sewing machines and surgers for classes I give to young ladies who are not able to pay but would like to learn how to sew for their families. It is an art I refuse to see lost if I can do anything about it. The items that can be turned out by hand far exceed anything "TOMMY" or "Ralph Loren" could come up with. It certainly instills a sense of pride in them. Alot of the "old ways" that were a part of everyday life are now gone in much of our society. Probably as the cities grew the country ways were forsaken. If you can help me keep these ways alive please let me know, you will certainly be blessing others.

-- Anonymous, January 31, 2002


Have you tried checking out pawn shops...they might even donate.

-- Anonymous, February 02, 2002

Oh--- Stacy----we bought out households for years----& I just donated 5 electric sewing machines to Goodwill!!! Just thought maybe someone could get some good out of them--as I have my own sewing machine & a serger----I'm sooo sorry---but I will keep your address-----bet the postage would really eat us alive from Ks. to Michigan---through---

Have you posted a message at local churches/ wanting-sewing machines-- & what you use them for?? Where ever there is a posting board in your area --put up a "wanted sign"-----bet you would get many donated to you!! Blessings----it is wonderful you are teaching a useful art form!!!

-- Anonymous, February 11, 2002

Try the sewing machine repair shops or the ones that take trade-ins on the new fancy ones. At this time of year, they may be considering tax write offs.


-- Anonymous, February 11, 2002

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