Article on automatic chicken house : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
I am looking for the article on building an automatic chiken door from Jan/Feb 1998 issue of Countryside Magazine. If anyone has a copy they wouldn't mind scanning and emailing me, it would be greatly appreciated.I guess I'll order the back issue if no one has it, but I'm hoping to find the article online so that I can get started right away.
-- Tracy (, January 31, 2002
If you find the article, I'd like a copy, too, please. Thanks!
-- IndyAlly (, February 01, 2002.
Is this the one that uses an automatic garage door opener?
-- cowgirlone in OK (, February 01, 2002.
I don't know if it uses a garage door opener...I hope not, that would be a bit much. :)
-- TnTracy (, February 01, 2002.
This link has an automatic hen door, http://www.the-, on it, is this similar to what was in CountrySide?
-- BC (, February 01, 2002.