FAQ on Summarit 5cm f/1.5

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Leica Photography : One Thread

I noted questions from one or two users concerning the 5cmf/1.5 Sumnmarit. If anyone wants more specific 'subjective' feedback on this , I'll be happy to answer any private e-mails.


-- jonathan eastland (ajaxpics@freezone.co.uk), January 31, 2002


I e-mailed Mr. Eastland a while back on this very subject. In his book "Leica M Compendium" there were several shots attributed to the Summarit that looked a lot better than anything that I could have hoped for from my sample. I was curious about any modifications that he may have made, such as the lens being re-coated, which might have helped the performance.

Mr. Eastland replied to my query with a nicely composed reply (which I printed out and placed in the book) mentioning many aspects of the (un-modified) lens' performance, such as film choice and darkroom work to bring out the best from this old lens. It was nice to encounter an author that was so personable to an unsolicited e-mail.

-- Al Smith (smith58@msn.com), February 01, 2002.

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