Late Haste : LUSENET : encouragement : One Thread

This was done for an exercise on a poetry board. Not my usual style, but maybe it'll light somebody's match.

Late Haste
by Randal Matheny

Stand aside
I'm comin' thru
no time for you
a longer stride
s'ry cant stay

success is near
can almost touch
its garment's hem
I'll beat them
yet don't like much
by late next year

a higher rung
and office perks
just get on time
I'm in my prime
I'll beat those jerks
I'm not high-strung

just motivated
with five reports
due in two days
I'll sure amaze
them all bad sports
and irritated

at my technique
Whoa! Whatd'you say?
It cant be true
My rendezvous
With higher pay
Was due last week?!

Head in the Clouds Poetry

-- Anonymous, February 01, 2002

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