Recipe needed (for Eastern European dish - bon-knee-za) : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

I am wondering if any of you know of a dish that is either Polish,Hungarian,etc. The dish is pronounced (BON-KNEE-ZA)I remember it having a cottage cheese and egg mixture that you spread on the dough then rolled it up and baked it. The dough was really strechy, I remember rolling and spreading the dough out until it got about the size of the dining room table. Thanks

-- TomK(mich) (, February 02, 2002


It sounds like you are talking about a type of strudel which is common in many eastern european cultures. I can't tell you anymore how to make the dough from scratch, but I buy the frozen (filo) strudel dough and make the cheese mixture like so: Mix four cups of Cottage Cheese, two eggs and two cups sugar and 1 tsp vanilla.

Lay two sheets of filo down, brush with melted butter. Keep doing this until you have about eight sheets that have been buttered between every two. At one end of the filo dough, spoon out the cottage cheese along the edge (about an inch away from the edge) and roll up like a jellyroll. Place on a cookie sheet, brush with butter and bake at 350 oh about 20-20 minutes until the top sheets are browned but not burned.

Take out and dust with confectioner's sugar.

I like it made with cherry pie filling and apple pie filling too.

-- Ann Markson (, February 02, 2002.

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