James A johnston, First warden of alkatraz

greenspun.com : LUSENET : San Francisco History : One Thread

My Ggranduncle, James A. Johnston was the first warden of Alkatraz, during the Al Capone years, I am trying to find his death certificate, or his parents names, they were from co, Mayo Ire. thanks, Janet

-- janet a sandberg (janet_sandberg@hotmail.com), February 03, 2002


James Aloysius Johnston September 15, 1874 - September 7, 1954

Thomas and Ellen

-- Tom Ryan (tomnryan@earthlink.net), February 05, 2002.

James A. Johnston Born Sept. 15 1874 Died Sept. 6, 1954 Died at 2901 Pacific Ave. San Francisco, CA. Death Cert. should be available at SF Hall of Records.

-- Michael D. Scott (Michaelzz4@aol.com), September 08, 2002.

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