Looking to get 3 Indian Runners and don't know where to get so few (Ducks)

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

I would love to get 3 Indian Runners but can't seem to find anyplace will ship or sell only three. I live in CT. Any ideas. Evryone was so helpful with my last question so thanks very much!

-- Heather Sjoquist (sjoquists@aol.com), February 04, 2002


Response to Looking to get 3 Indian Runners and don't know where to get so few

Heather, like I say all the time, go to the experts at www.poultryconnection.com. I think I would post on the General Waterfowl Forum and ask if anyone there lives near you(and I know some of them live in CT) or if you can obtain a recent show catalog. I did that for my area out in the west and found a wonderful place where I could go and pick up ducklings myself and purchase as many or as few as I wanted. A lot of fine breeders don't use computers and a show catalog will give you their names, addresses and phone numbers. Good luck, ducks are such fun! LQ

-- Little Quacker (carouselxing@juno.com), February 04, 2002.

Fairs are still a long ways off,but they have animals for sale.Maybe a farm has some to sell or someone like us would have some.Do you have a small town paper to put your wants into? Good-luck Ray The Farm

-- Ray (thecfarm@midmaine.com), February 05, 2002.

If you wait a bit, your local feed store will probably get in a few batches of chicks and ducklings for the spring. It's early yet. Talk to them beforehand, and they can order 3 of whatever kind you want along with their shipment of whatever they're getting. No need to order direct from the hatcheries if you really only need a few. And if the feed store won't do that for you, find a new feed store.

-- snoozy (bunny@northsound.net), February 06, 2002.

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