Photography in Jerusalem : LUSENET : Leica Photography : One Thread

Hi All

I'm planning a trip to Jerusalem in the next month, anyone got any tips or advice who's been recently?

Any good labs there?




-- briandavidstevens (, February 05, 2002


Israel is a dangerous place these days and some people don't like to be photographed.

-- Peter Mackay (, February 05, 2002.

Hi Brian I did an assignment in Jerusalem last easter. A good place to stay is the American Colony Hotel in East Jerusalem. I might be a bit expensive but all the journalists stay in this hotel. So it's a good place to get information and stuff. If you go to Ramallah by taxi, plan lot of time to get there. It's only about 10 miles from Jerusalem, but due to the Israeli checkpoints the trip can last up to 3 hours. BTW, Israel is a dangerous place, but don't worry, be alert, don't risk anything and you should be save. Best regards, Michael

-- Michael Wildi (, February 05, 2002.

The best thing to do is stay home. It is an extremely dangerous place right now and getting worse all the time. If you MUST go then NEVER use any Israili transportation period, use Palestinian taxis. Again, you are not immortal, do you really have to go?

-- John Collier (, February 05, 2002.

I wish I had the time and money to go with you. Have a good trip.

-- Jeff Polaski (, February 05, 2002.

Brian, I'm aiming to be there later this month, send me your details and lets meet up.

-- rob (, February 05, 2002.

Brian and Rob:

I would like to offer you both my services prior to your trip. You see, I am in the insurance business. What I propose is very simple, and will cost you nothing. I will take out and pay for a life insurance policy on each of you, naming me as the beneficiary. This way, if anything untoward should happen to you while you are over there, you'll at least have the satisfaction of knowing that one fellow Leica-shooter is now able to enter his retirement early.

;-) Cheers,

-- Jack Flesher (, February 05, 2002.

Brain and Rob:

Some (most) of the pictures available through THIS LINK seem to be from Jerusalem/Israel. They might get you in the mood and suggest some locales.

Be vigilant!

-- Andy Piper (, February 06, 2002.

I suggest taking a titanium M6. More bulletproof than zinc or brass. =)

In all seriousness, have a safe, happy, and productive trip and show us the pix!!

-- Steve Rosenblum (, February 06, 2002.

Keep a low profile, your eyes open and enjoy yourself. Israel is less dangerous than New York City. That is a simple fact... Have a great time and I would suggest you fly El Al, the world's safest airline. A patient of mine, an NG photographer just came back from Kabul , now that is a dangerous place where "life is cheap"..

-- Albert Knapp MD (, February 07, 2002.

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