Midwife in or around Memphis TN

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Hello my name is Jennifer. I want to be a midwife. I have had some training but my midwife had to move to OK leaving me without another one. I do not wish to go to school, I have a few reasons which I will tell you when you ask. I would rather Apprentice under someone. This is very important to me and I am willing to do just about anything to see this happen. Please if you are a midwife consider at least responding to me. I have hit brick wall after brick wall and am begining to wonder where are all the midwifes who want to see midwifery pass on to a new generation. One of my reasons for not wanting to go to school is I cannot afford the 3,000 to 5,000 for school. My mid-wife was willing to deliver my daughter and train me in exchange for babysitting and sewing clothes for her youngest. ( plus extra help she had 7 children) I did have to buy a few things but not a lot. I went in to the doctor for some blood work and he wanted to do a ultrasound since twins run in my family. No twins but a complete Placenta Previa. So thank God for that but I still want to help women who want a home birth but cannot afford a lot of money. Please help me if you can.


-- Jennifer (jenniferthf@aol.com), February 06, 2002


How far along are you in your pregnancy? The reason I ask is that I had marginal previa in my first pregnancy, but as the baby and uterus grew the placenta naturally moved away from the cervix as the uterus got bigger. Perhaps this will happen to you.

-- gita (gita@directcon.net), February 06, 2002.

Jennifer, have you thought about being a nurse midwife. There are all sorts of grants out there you may be eligible for. If you work for a hospital they will pay for your schooling. I have a bachelors and two Masters all paid for by the hospital I work for. Just think that you getting that ultrasound may not only save your life but your child's as well. Good sound anatomy/physiology is what you get in school and every person in this country should have the priviledge of excellent modern health care. You may also be eligible for a PEL grant-check with your community college.People know the difference when you are educated and you can back up your life or death decisions with deductive reasoning.I am not saying that just education is the answer, for one has to have that bedside manner as well. Good luck in your endeavors, Terry

-- Terry Lipe (elipe@fidnet.com), February 06, 2002.

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