Slanting lens hood (2/35) : LUSENET : Leica Photography : One Thread

I just received my new 2/35ASPH yesterday. I was a bit nervous to notice that the lens hood does not fit the lens straight. When it is plugged in place, the left side is about 2mm lower than the right. It is probably not enough to cause vignetting, but for a costly lens I do expect it to fit in straight. Have others noticed the same problem?

Does anybody know if the (rubber) hood is glued to the retaining plastic/metal ring (with the bayonet fitting) or is it just a friction fit? I mean, can I just twist it into place or should I send it for replacement? I tried to twist it gently, but it wouldn't move. I'm afraid of spoliling the lens if I use too much force.

But it is a very nice lens.

Regards, Ilkka

-- Ilkka Kuusisto (, February 06, 2002


Ilkka, this has come up several times. It seems to be a problem with this lens, although the problem is only cosmetic. I wouldn't twist anything. Leica will fix it if you send it in.

-- Bob Fleischman (, February 06, 2002.

Hello Ilkka,

I had the same problem with this lens after getting it new. I lived with it and it had no effect on performance. If you are concerned I suggest you return it for another. From what I know it is a common occurrence with this lens.

Best, Tom

-- Tom Gallagher (, February 06, 2002.

It seems to me that the problem is with the hood, not the lens. Can anybody confirm?

When the lens and hood is properly in place, the lens is straight, that is, the distance setting marker and the aperture marker are along a straight line from the body, directly on top. But the lens hood is not. In the middle top of the hood the word Leica should be centered so that the letter 'I' matches with the top of the lens (aperture/distance marks). But it does not. Instead, the letter 'C' is in the same line with the top center of the lens. And thus the hood is slanting to the left.

I will send it for replacement.


-- Ilkka Kuusisto (, February 06, 2002.

Oops. Sorry. My e-mail address was listed wrongly in the above posting. Should be only 65.


-- Ilkka Kuusisto (, February 06, 2002.

Ilkka, I (and as mentioned several others) have had the same problem. My lens was replaced although I think at least in my case it was a faulty hood and not the lens.

I dont know how to do those clever blue click on tex refferences so bear with my primative description of where to find previous contributions on the problem. I did some very careful measurements which led me to the above conclusion as you will see if you get to the posting. Here goes: go to the "new questions" page (the first main page) Scroll down to the "Older messages" section. Scroll down to the very end of that section, then scroll back about 3 screens to the posting entitled: 35/2 ASPH Summicron.

Whew..! the price I pay for being dumb about those blue text thingies!

I suggest your dealer firstly tries some other hoods on your lens and if there is still no joy ak to have the lens replaced.


-- Tim Gee (, February 07, 2002.

Wait, wait, wait, I left out part of the directions:

Go to the new questions page, scroll down to the older messages, Now the missing bit: select the "Leica M" heading. Scroll down to the end of that section then scroll back about 3 screens to the heading 35/2 ASPH Summicron. Cheers

-- Tim Gee (, February 07, 2002.

Thanks Tim, I found it. Sad to see so many people having the same problem. I try to change the hood first, and if that doesn't help, I get a new lens.

All the best, Ilkka

-- Ilkka Kuusisto (, February 07, 2002.

It seems to me that the problem is with the hood, not the lens. Can anybody confirm?

Ilkka, I too had exactly the same problem (at the moment it's just a question of time but since I don't have it to locate and copy the 5 or 6 URLs having come up with this problem lately, I'll just make a rapid repeat). I took my 2/35 back to the store I bought it at, we first tried on a new hood and it was perfect, so I kept that new one. Had it been the whole lens, or even the lens plus hood, I'd have traded that instead. But it almost always seems to have been the hood. Here and in many other countries too. The "bad" hood won't affect its job, but for that money and for Leica being Leica, I demand all perfection available. Apparently I'm not alone here.

-- Michael Kastner (, February 07, 2002.

Hi Iikka.I have the latest 35mm 1.4 ASPH and had the same problem.When in place it is about 2mm lower on on side.I sent mine back to where I bought it from(Classic camera)and I had a replacement hood back within 4 days.

I was told that the hoods are made by an independent company for Leica,which would explain,but not excuse the problem.

-- Virgil (, February 07, 2002.

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