FS: Konica Hexar RF w/40mm CLE ROkkor

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Leica Photography : One Thread

I wish I used it more, but I don't, so I'm selling my Hexar RF w/ 40mm lens. Price is $975, plus shipping. The camera is in exc++ condition--some standard cosmetic signs of use, but mechanically terrific. (Only flaw I've noticed is that occasionally the frameline lever will stick between two sets of lines. Just touching it makes the correct frame snap into view.) The lens is a 40mm Rokkor from the CLE series--which means it's the latest 40mm M lens, & multicoated. What's especially nice about this outfit is how accurately the rangefinder works with this lens (or other M lenses, for that matter). Infinity on the rangefinder equals infinity on the lens scale, and there's no overlap on the double image. I even checked rangefinder accuracy with a ground glass, focused on a resolution target. Also, I modified the lens cam so it brings up the 35mm frameline, which, in this case, matches the lens perfectly. On the Hexar RF, the framelines only show about 85% of the image area. From 15ft to infinity, the 35mm frameline is an exact match for a 40mm lens. The lens is in virtually perfect shape (I've always kept a UV filter on it), and it's truly as sharp as my 35mm pre-asph. Summicron. The lens comes with the Minolta rubber shade; camera includes all the original stuff--box, strap, cap, manual.

-- Peter Latner (peterlatner@yahoo.com), February 07, 2002


Sale is pending. Thanks.

-- Peter Latner (peterlatner@yahoo.com), February 19, 2002.

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