Freedom includes the right to be thrown out of good places by bad people ! : LUSENET : Freedom! self reliance : One Thread

My name is Joel Rosen and that may not mean much to you, but it sure has kept me out of the bigtime. I think some of you might know me (HI Doreen) but if you don't, don't worry, you will soon. I quess I'm best known for disrupting the whole countryside forum in an attempt to save uncensored free speech. I did about usual--I lost. Not to worry about that either, the posters there must now endure the regime hat they were willing to endure ! For those that don't know me--I have the fastest horse, the ugliest sister, the meanest dog and the most ammunition in the state of Virginia. My father can whoop any man in the state and my wife can whoop my father. And, it is my sincere hope that the next time that I speak to you all that I have something important to say.

-- Joel or Becky Rosen (, February 07, 2002


Howdy Joel, Long time no hear-glad to see you back! The way you were treated was one of the reasons I canceled my subscription to Countryside Magazine. I still lurk on countryside forum and once in a while post-if I feel it will help someone. I vote with my wallet(read countryside at the library only). Ken lost a lot of good people with his censorship. Take care,Daryll

-- Daryll in NW FLA (, February 07, 2002.

Gee, and here I thought this was the bigtime. Welcome back Joel and Becky, or maybe I should say, welcome here Joel and Becky! Either way, it is good to hear that you still have the most ammunition in VA. We're are now racing for that title ourselves here in Oklahoma. It may take awhile though, as Oklahoma isn't near as easy to do that in as California. Of Course in California it is not quite a fair game as, they have whole events for the rest of the citizens to turn in their ammunition and weapons, thanks to the California legislature. The state Attourney General's office is a good place to dumpster dive though. Here in Oklahoma, we don't have those little parties. Also the state Attourney General is probably to busy out hunting on his lease to worry about collecting ammunition and firearms ( except of course for his own private collection). Not that we don't have a few pesky little gunhaters in Oklahoma, we just try to show them the door before they get a foothold. Mostly they're glad to see the border and generally run off to New Mexico, as Texas is kinda intolerant as well. Anyway Joe and I shook the dust off our feet and moved on to greener pastures over a year ago. We are very happy here. Joe is working hard driving an hour one way to work. I in turn run the farm along with our son kenny who is my right hand man. In addition we have three toher little ones learning the ropes. Hope all is going well on the Rosen place.

Little Bit Farm

-- Little bit Farm (, February 07, 2002.

Joel!!! Hi, it's good to hear from you again. Ain't it funny how CS forum turned into *Animal Farm*? Can we all say, "Four legs bad, two legs good...baa-aa". It certainly hasn't been the same forum since "the pig" took over. Most of the old names that kept the board lively and interesting have long since quit posting.

-- Tie A. (knot@endof, February 07, 2002.

Hey Joel, good to hear from you!!! I missed you when you left CS (I used to post on there as I didn't always agree with everything you said esp. on the religious threads but I always enjoyed your posts! I no longer post on CS either, haven't since they gave Doreen and Hoot a hard time. I'll be looking forward to some of your controversial posts! You can bet I'll probably be putting my 2cents worth in too!!!!

-- Barb in Ky. (, February 07, 2002.

Joel and Becky- Welcome!!! We missed you so much! Many of the best posters on the C-Side forum left, never to return, it was very sad. So Doreen started this one, where we can discuss pretty much whatever we want to. Glad to see you here.

-- Rebekah (, February 07, 2002.

Hey there! Glad you are back on line....You're back just in time for phase two of the takeover! (and I don't mean electronic Anway, I can't wait to hear more from both of you and I sure hope things in Virginia are going along great!

-- Doreen (, February 07, 2002.

I am so glad you two are back online. You guys are the best of the pirate farmers, guerilla gardeners.

I try to be an intense troublemaker, too, but I can never aspire to your skill, Joel, and even on my best days, I can never be as sweet as Becky.

-- Laura (, February 07, 2002.

Bout time you got back Joel ,,, trade some 7.62 tracers?? I got red,,looking for green

-- Stan (, February 07, 2002.

Good to see you back online. Your were like spice in the recipe.

-- Jay Blair in N. AL (, February 07, 2002.

Welcome Joel! Feel free to stir up trouble - look at all the response posts you already got.

That was a very appropriate reference to Animal Farm above.

-- charles (, February 07, 2002.

Thank you all, I missed hearing from all of you also! I needed a break because rarely do I lose my temper but Ken made me boil. Even across thousands of miles you could just feel the power going to his head. That is the problem with power ---those with it have lost the wisdom to have it. Things are never the same when you have been gone and our lives are no exception. I can no longer say that I won't dress up my kids in green to die becauseon the 19th my youngest will be starting his crucible for the beloved corps. Some son's rebel by drugs and drinking and mine becomes a Marine just to stick it to old dad. Well, he was his mother's son anyway. I did not farm last year and a big part of me got parked on the hill with the equipment. I once ask God to show me who the men in the shadows are--the ones who really pull the strings and screw up the world, the ones that make criminals out of honest men in Washington. Well, God said--Joel I would like you to meet Jack Welch and his apprentice Jeffery Immelt and they would like to offer you a job. So now I earn a living from the most corrupt company on the planet. This company lives for war. The moral of this little story is --Never ask questions and you'll never hate yourself for knowing the answer. Again, nice to see you all and Thanks for all the kind words. I don't believe I have ever been called a Pirate Farmer but it sure made my heart swell, Thank You !

-- Joel Rosen (, February 08, 2002.

Glad you're back Joel. I think I owe you an apology, I was one of the ones that didn't want to believe you, but you were right. God bless

-- Cindy (SE. IN) (, February 08, 2002.

Joel and Becky, glad to hear from you again. I wanted to be the first to humble myself and offer an apology, but Cindy beat me to it. You were right on the money as I found out soon after. God bless ya both.

-- John in S. IN (, February 08, 2002.

Please Cindy, if anyone owes an apology it is probably me. I should have never let such a weak minded person such as Ken get to me. I would like to clear something up though---I recieved a phone call once that informed me that people claimed that I hacked their computers, destroyed some personal property and generally reaked havoc on their lives. I would like to assure eveyone that I did absolutely nothing at all ! I use a webtv because my PC is a 486dx with a 12 or 14 modem and it is too slow for the internet. After I wrote the last letter to the forum I cleared all my cookies and had the service to the web shut off. From that day till a week ago the web remained in a box in my attic. I did consider going to a countryside party at Kens Farm just to watch him water his leg when I introduced myself but I had something much more important to do,so I changed the air in my tires and straightened my stereo wires instead. What does a man accomplish by silencing a voice ? Please always say what is on your mind and in your heart around me for you make me stronger. " You are a child of the universe, as much as the trees and the stars, you have a right to be here"

-- Joel Rosen (, February 08, 2002.

You go Joel!!! I posted to your thread on CS but it got deleted. I don't post here but I lurk and I just had to say hello. Bad times are a coming but if we just keep our eyes on the Savior we will triumph in the end. Not a thing of this should be a surprize to anyone. What is suprizing to me is how many believers are swallowing hook, line and sinker that we have a "Christian" president. Yikes!!!!

-- diane (, February 08, 2002.

Joel!!!!! You son-of-a-gun! How the heck are 'ya?

I dug through the Countryside Forum archives and felt the need to remind you of your, uh, social obligations. This old post should jog your memory...


Okay Joel, I'll hold you to it. You said... "In reality, America won't last another 3 years and two of those will be so bloody it will make mothers wish they had never given birth to their children."

So, on July 4, 2003, you and I will meet in Richmond, Virginia or any other place of YOUR choosing with the following provisions.

1. If Richmond, Virginia is STILL the capital of the Commonwealth of Virgina and is STILL flying the Stars and Stripes (all 50 stars) of the United States of America on the State House flag pole, YOU, Joel Rosen, will buy me, Craig Miller, a cup of coffee at a mutually agreed to commercial restaurant.

2. If ANY of the 50 member states of the United States of America as currently existing as of Sept. 13, 2000 has SUCCESSFULLY seceeded from the Union by July 4, 2003 either peacfully or under force of arms, I, Craig Miller, will buy YOU, Joel Rosen, a cup of coffee at a mutually agreed to commercial restaurant.

3. Both parties to this agreement will endeavor not to get killed before July 4, 2003 either seceeding from or defending the Union of the 50 states as they currently exist, Sept. 13, 2000.

How about it, Joel? If you're right, it will be the easiest cup of coffee you NEVER bought! If you're wrong, I take mine black with one sugar.


-- Craig Miller (, September 13, 2000.

---------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------

So let it be written and so let it be done --Craig. However, my farm is much more comfortable than Richmond and the coffee is FREE !

-- Joel Rosen, September 13, 2000.


It seems there have been a few "distractions" here in the ol' U.S. of A. since last we posted. I understand you have a son who will soon be (is) a jar-head? Congrats, or my deepest sympathies depending on your frame of mind.

And a "hidee-ho good neighbor" to Doreen and the rest of the "gray gang" from that Yankee / Amish guy here in Northeast Ohio. You know, the one that's surrounded by guns but doesn't like 'em.


-- Craig Miller (, February 08, 2002.

Welcome Joel-----I don't post here much-----but I think a lot of Doreen & she posts on the same Christain forum I do /so I come here & lurk a lot---- Hubby & I cancelled our Countryside sub--as well as the gift subs we use to give--- I went back to CS a few weeks ago & answered a few posts--& realized why in the heck I left in the first place---& wondered what I thought I was doing back there again---must have been my Alzheimers kicking in-again!! ha!! I respect our own opinions & the right to not agree & still respect each others opinion!!! Good to have you back posting!! I like straight forward people----you & I don't always agree--- especially on religion or beliefs---but ----I appreciate you! Sonda in Ks.

-- Sonda in Ks. (, February 08, 2002.

Doreen, Little Bit, William and now JOEL ROSEN again . . . be still my beating heart . . .

God Bless You and Yours, Joel Rosen, welcome to this forum. Please post as often as you like--you are a breath of fresh testosterone in this Jezebel plagued world. II Kings 9:30-37.

-- Rags in Ammoblambama (, February 08, 2002.

I had to laugh at your last post Sonda. Once in a great while I get the urge and go back over and read at Countryside. I never post as I still feel strongly that those people really messed up what was a great thing. However it never takes but reading a post or two to realize that you just can't go home again. When your sand castle falls down, the only thing you can do is build it better and stronger and different. I think that is what I took away from Countryside, the knowledge that a forum can be a real expression of all the hearts and minds contributing, or it can be a trash dumpster of manipulation. Either way it is up to the contributers and the owner. Sometime you just have to pick up your marbles and head for the door. I really respected what you did Joel. It took me longer to let it go, but I generally am predisposed to giving the benefit of the doubt. The whole situation was one big loss for Countryside as I haven't bought a single mag since. I just can't bring myself to support someone that doesn't believe in free speech. It especially turns my stomach when they are making a profit as a result of it. Anyway I am grateful to doreen for starting this forum and running it with the class she has.

Little bit Farm

-- Little bit Farm (, February 08, 2002.

Yo, JOEL!!!!!! You still are one of the few folks welcomed to sit on our porch! I beat feet from CS shortly after you did and cancelled my subscription as well..the moderator there has become quite the little tyrant I undertand....Nice to have you back! Lesley

-- lesley (, February 08, 2002.

Hey Joel and Becky. Bout time ya showed up. Now post some interesting and controversal stuff. :o)

-- Kenneth in N.C. (, February 08, 2002.

Hey Joel,

I am pretty much a lurker her as I was at CS. Always enjoyed what you had to say and I am glad you are back. Looking forward to some lively conversation. God bless -

-- kathy (, February 08, 2002.

Hi Craig, Why did I know you were going to bring that up ? I'll never welch on a bet. Especially one involving such a high priced commodity. Heck, I'll buy you a cup tomorrow or anyday you want to show up. Nice to see you and all of you ! It's like coming home for the holidays and I remember you all.

-- Joel Rosen (, February 09, 2002.

Hey Joel about time!

I am not sure how you feel about me but boy I sure am happy to hear from you. Hey Maryland is not far from you,come on up!

-- renee o'neill (, February 09, 2002.

Welcome back, Joel and Becky!

-- StevenB (thicketyrowfarm@earthlink.ten), February 09, 2002.

Howdy and Hello -- Joel & Becky!! It is GREAT to see you both back online! And a big hello to all!

-- Wendy@GraceAcres (, February 11, 2002.

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