That (New) Thing You Do. : LUSENET : MATH Plus One : One Thread

So, my new thing is to take a long bath almost every night and read in the tub.

I hope to make it a habit. Anything to keep me from watching TV as often, you know, and I'll be super-clean, I guess.

What new thing are you into lately?

-- Anonymous, February 08, 2002



Don't laugh. Last year I hardly drank at all and I had a world class shit eating year. This year, I'm drinking more frequently and my mood has improved tenfold.

Oh, and bellydancing, too. It's fun, but not nearly as fun as the drinking.

-- Anonymous, February 08, 2002

Flossing. I was going to make it my new year's resolution, but I started in October, thinking that dental hygiene really doesn't have a calendar.

The other new thing I've been doing is announcing my engagement, but as fun as it is, I will probably stop doing it sooner than later, because I'll run out of people to tell.

-- Anonymous, February 08, 2002

You're engaged? That's awesome!

(I just wanted to be someone new for you to tell...)

My new thing is not sleeping until 4pm on the weekends. I'm all about getting up and doing shit! Yeah!

-- Anonymous, February 08, 2002

My new thing is updating my journal. And it's kind of neat how, after you've been away for a while, it's exciting to come back again.

You know I'm looking at you...

-- Anonymous, February 08, 2002

My new thing is getting Sophie into the wedding thread.

Er . . .

No, really, it's logic problems. My high school boyfriend's mother worked for Penny Press, and to this day I find statements like "Mr. Causwell, who did not eat the ham sandwich, is younger than the Beaujolais drinker but older than Ernie" very soothing before bedtime.

-- Anonymous, February 12, 2002

WG, shut! up! I have a Penny Press mag of ALL Logic Problems in my bag right this very minute.

And my excuse is not that I am a super-geek, but that I actually read an article... Somewhere... Online... (yeah, that's the ticket) about how we should all be doing puzzles and problems every once in a while because, as we age, our brains are getting complacent.

The article also suggested reading upside down every so often, but the person who wrote that part is obviously insane.

-- Anonymous, February 12, 2002

Reading while the book is upside down or while you are?

Logic problems remind me of the LSAT and then I start seizing.

-- Anonymous, February 12, 2002

I hereby declare that I heart PG.

PG, I have a special fondness for the All-England Logic Problems. I've been solving a lot of problems about parties in Sherbourne and bringing coals to Newcastle lately.

-- Anonymous, February 12, 2002

Thanks, Emily! You're a great new person to tell. :)

And WG: I'm there, but I'm not sure if I chose the right thread.

-- Anonymous, February 12, 2002

This didn't go through yesterday.

I thought myself to read upside down (the material upside down) when I was a kid because our desks were set in squares of four and that made it easier to cheat off the kid across from me. It's really not that hard.

Love the logic problems too! Is this magazine always all logic problems? I think someone, hint hint, should start a new thread wiht a logic problem for us to work on each week.

-- Anonymous, February 13, 2002

Skydiving... It started last summer, and last week I finally got off student status. There's a new entry up on my website (I know, a new entry, unbelievable) all about it.

I'm geeked, and again having trouble talking about anything else.

-- Anonymous, February 13, 2002

Erm. I read things upside down on purpose if I'm reading something dense but important. I read lightning fast normally, and the temptation is to blip over a paragraph dense with statistics or dry, technical crap. Reading upside down forces my brain to slow down and register boring but vital info...or, for example, abstract things outside my normal sphere of expertise.

I love reading in the tub, BTW! Bliss!

My new habit is going out dancing 1-3 times a week with friends.

-- Anonymous, July 03, 2002

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