how much selenium? (Goats - Dairy) : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
My does are due around mid march, last weekend we gave them all shots of selenium. when should we give it again? I see people talking about Bo SE , what is that? i looked on my bottle and it just says selenium with vit E, is that the same thing? I should mention that i live in the midwest in a very deficient area.
-- Susan (, February 09, 2002
What amount did you give? Bo-Se has been known to cause abortions in some does so I would be cautious about giving too much prior to kidding. We usually give some right after kidding and again prior to putting in with the bucks. I have now changed to a feed that has an adequate amount so they will not need a shot of it.
-- Leslie in Western WA (, February 09, 2002.
BoSe isn't exactly the same thing but what you used is what I use. We make sure our mineral has selenium in it as well, the vitamin E helps the animal absorb the selenium. I do give all new borns a vit. AD and E Selenimum shot as well. My worked out the dosage and I doubt it would be the same for your beasties.
-- Ross (, February 09, 2002.
Susan as far as I know there isn't any selenium/E injections (in the states) that aren't perscription. You can get dietary supplements. What exactly does your bottle say? Bo-se is just a brand of selenium/E 1cc per 40 pounds, Mu-se is another 1cc per 200 pounds, and so on......all of the ones that are out their are listed on Vicki
-- Vicki McGaugh TX (, February 09, 2002.
what i have is 1 cc per 100 lbs, and if they are over 100 lbs then it isn't much, so i gave them one cc. It took me over two years to figure out what the heck to feed my girls, we bought over 2000 lbs of feed that i would later find was really not the best thing for them, and i don't mean 2000 lbs of onekind! it was several. Finally a neighbor who raises several goats gave me his recipe and that's what i'v used for the past few years. should i give them another shot after they kid? the last shot they got ofit was four to six weeks before they kidded last
-- Susan (, February 10, 2002.