cleaning focusing screen R3 : LUSENET : Leica Photography : One Thread

oh boy,

i have what look to be little black dots on my focusing screen. on the other side of the mirror box. is this fungas? can i get rid if it? does anyone know what i can do here? does it need to go in for service? cheers, brooke

-- brooke anderson (, February 09, 2002


Unless it's interfering with your ability to focus, it's best to leave the viewscreen alone. Fungus usually looks like white fuzz.

-- Douglas Herr (, February 09, 2002.

The R3's screen is not user-removable. As advised, if you can live with it, do so. The R3 is not economical to service.

-- Jay (, February 09, 2002.

Hello Brooke. The R3 LEITZ universal focusing screen installed in the factory is not user interchageable as in later R models.

Unless your R3 needed a comprehensive service I would not have the technician simply remove and clean the screen. Regards.

-- Sheridan Zantis (, February 09, 2002.

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