FS: Mint Leica R7 Body

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Leica Photography : One Thread

I am selling a mint Leica R7 Body S/N 2177629 with front cap, strap and the optional eyecup, including instruction manual and box. The camera is clean, no ding, dent or scratches. Im selling it for $830.00 which includes insurance and shipping via FEDEX or UPS. Please let me know if youre interested.

-- ed gaddi (edgaddi@msn.com), February 11, 2002


I currently have a similar black R7 up on that famous internet auction site. You can search Leica R7, or e-mail me for the item#.

-- Jay (infinitydt@aol.com), February 12, 2002.

You have an excellent camera and the ongoing bid was great. What is your secret?

-- ed gaddi (edgaddi@msn.com), February 15, 2002.

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