A family of goats for sale in Elora, Ontariogreenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
Hi everyone,I spoke to a lady on the phone last night, who has to sell her goats (that she loves very much) because she has to move.
I am posting this message for her because she does not own a computer.
They must all go together, because they are very much attached to each other. They are : a pure bred Alpine buck, a pregnant Saanen/Alpine cross doe, a young wether, and a young doe. The buck is not the father of the two young ones or the doe.
She lives in the Elora, Ontario (close to Guelph).
These goats would be ideal for a first timer who wants to start a herd. She has a trailer for them, and I think that she would be willing to deliver them a reasonable distance.
Her phone number is (519)846-8166.
Thanks to anyone that can help her out.
Betty Jo
-- Betty Jo (amaroq@bmts.com), February 12, 2002