Linhof Cable Release & Quick Connect : LUSENET : Large format photography : One Thread

I have a Linhof Super Technika V. I an using a 150mm lens in a 1016 lensboard with a Linhof cable release that I think is about 16 inches long. Does Linhof or anyone else make a long cable release. I am thinking of something like the bulb type that have a coiled up tube on a reel. I don't know if the tip would engage the quick release mechanism on the lens board.

-- Bill Lester (, February 12, 2002


Linhof makes cable releases up to 29.5"

For use with the cable release QR system you should also add the 041066 nipple to the release to ensure that it locks properly. Linhof service sells the cone.

Linhof cable releases are sold by any HP dealer in the US.

-- Bob Salomon (, February 12, 2002.

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