Leica lens on Hexar

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Leica Photography : One Thread

I won't to try my 35mm 'lux on a Hexar RF.What will the focusing be like?

-- Jasmin (jassmingrubb@hotmail.com), February 12, 2002


It will work just fine... You may notice a slight problem wide open, but it is doubtfull.


-- Jack Flesher (jbflesher@msn.com), February 12, 2002.

Take the lens/body outside where you can focus on a sharply-defined vertical object about 1 mile away, such as a radio or TV tower. If the rangefinder images do not coincide on it with the lens set at infinity, the rangefinder needs adjustment, but once this is done the 35 Lux should work perfectly well on it. If the images do coincide, you're home free.

-- Jay (infinitydt@aol.com), February 12, 2002.

I have made a posting on Leica v. Hexar focusing a week or 2 back . If you can find it it might be of some help.

-- sait (akkirman@clear.net.nz), February 13, 2002.

The nice thing is that the RF will take the old style 35/2 and 35/ 1.4's. My old 'lux was the first lens to go on my new Hexar.

-- Alex Shishin (shishin@suma.kobe-wu.ac.jp), February 13, 2002.

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