UPDATE 2 (dog hit by car) (Pet Care)greenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
Thanks (again!) fort all the concern and help. The swelling is almost gone- the antibiotics have done the trick. Last might the leg was about twice its normal size. Today its looking like its getting back to normal- the only thing swollen is his dewclaw. I peeked out the back window while he went out to do his thing, and spied him putting a little weight back on the leg. By the way, not that this has any real relavancy on anything, the dog's name is : Dog. He was a stray I picked up 3 years ago wandering around (you won't guess, right) in the middle of an interstate. He's been my pal ever since! I originally looked for his owner, and , not meaning to keep him, just called him dog. It stuck. I joke that he must have an inferiority complex because people he's never met before know his name. Our other dog's name is: Stray with a similar story. Thank you all for the help, it looks like Dog is on the road to recovery.
-- Kevin in NC (Vantravlrs@aol.com), February 13, 2002
Glad to hear it!!
-- Murray in ME (lkdmfarm@megalink.net), February 13, 2002.
Glad to hear DOG will be okay. My 10 year old just had her pins out of her hind leg Friday, "hit by a truck" Wonderful feeling when you know you've done something right. I have this need to save as many animals as I can lately, should have been a vet not a nurse. lol
-- sue (suelpn30@hotmail.com), February 13, 2002.
As long as the only road Dog is on is to Recovery! :) I'm glad to hear that he's doing well. Sure is great to see them start to come around from a problem!My two dogs have regular names, but they both come to "Dog", too. I sometimes wonder what they call me in their minds. I'm afraid it's probably "the Old B***h". :>
-- Jennifer L. (Northern NYS) (jlance@nospammail.com), February 13, 2002.
No Jennifer, I'm sure your dogs call you the same thing that my dogs call me: The Most Supreme Goddess of Kibble!
-- Shannon at Grateful Acres Animal Sanctuary (gratacres@aol.com), February 13, 2002.
Had a friend once who had a dog named Nogottie. No gottie no name, no gottie no papers!
-- melina b. (goatgalmjb1@hotmail.com), February 13, 2002.
Glad to hear your DOG is doing better -Our family was never very original with names for our pets either -
We had a cat named K.C. (Kitty Cat) and a black dog named BLACKIE
O well! As long as we love 'em & take care of 'em! ;)
-- hmm (h.m.metheny@att.net), February 13, 2002.
Ah, glad to hear he's feeling better. Hope everything turns out okay.
-- Michael (flhomestead@hotmail.com), February 13, 2002.
We just got a new 1 year old italian greyhound, but the original owners didn't tell my wife the dog's name. When I asked her what his name was she replyed "don't know", so I named him Doeno.
-- kennith Donnell (puppypalooza98@netscape.net), February 13, 2002.
Mom is like that with names - had a cat named Ima Cat, a dog named God (because after the first few weeks of cursing in relation to the dog's house training, that's what he answered to) and our old dog Shunke, which she said was some Indian word for dog, probably Sioux.
-- Soni (thomkilroy@hotmail.com), February 14, 2002.