Polaroid problem

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Large format photography : One Thread

Contineuing the question about the 545 polaroid back, i can say that i have cleand the rollers as advised because i use one also with my bronica. There i found in the past some chemical residue but not with the 545. So i wonder wheter the rollers are not thigt enought or that it has to do with the packaging of the film. Because each film is packed in a seperate sheet holder. Is it possible that with pulling up and down the protecting sheet you create a problem for the rollers.

Does any body know if for this pola back exist fuji film?

Many thanks for the quick reactions already and hope to here soon again.

R van de Hoef

-- R van de hoef (r.j.van.de.hoef@freeler.nl), February 14, 2002


Hi, If you pull the packet out at any angle you can induce problems on the image, as in-complete coverage of the developer, mottle, the straighter the pull the better.


-- Bill Jefferson (jefferw@polaroid.com), February 15, 2002.

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