Milking Nanny Goat : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

Goats got in the pasture with stud horse today and he killed a little one three weeks old. Am I going to have to milk the mama goat now?

-- Red Neck (, February 14, 2002


Wow, what a tragedy.

Is she a dairy breed or meat? If she is meat then i would probably not milk her and dry her off. But watch the udder so she doesn't get too full and get mastitis. if she is dairy and has heavy milk production you can also opt to dry her off cold turkey, but I would taper it off if she is a heavy milker. To create more milk there has to be a demand for it. If not she will dry herslef off. hope this helps.

-- Bernice (, February 14, 2002.

I would consider taking the doe out of your studs pasture before she is injured or killed also. Sometimes they can be companions for horses and often times they cannot be. Sorry for your loss.

-- Leslie in Western WA (, February 14, 2002.

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